I'm writing this because I just had my hair cut, back to this style after a several months of trying the buzz of the bob (still with some layers though). I realize I'm always obsessed with novelty. My music taste, my passion for fashion, it's so obvious. So what is it with this style that I've been keeping for more than a decade, in various length, with or without bangs, straightened or wavy, but still the same basic cut.
First I had it when I was in my sophomore year, and it was like a breakthrough for me and apparently for my then surrounding. I remember a boyfriend of one of my girl-friends told her to have her hair cut like mine. It killed me then, feeling as if I were some kind of trend-setter or something (ego3x! ... how my consciousness level was back then I could not clearly recall now).
It may be because it's the most suitable style for the texture of my hair, which is straight-to-wavy with tidiness always its ultimate challenge. This style allows me to become "stylishly" untidy. My beloved auntie used to hate it so much every time I just had my hair cut shaggy short. She said it's like some chickens had just walked over my head or something (in Javanese it somewhat makes sense). Nevertheless I always come back to this style, while at the beginning I thought it was just a short term hype, like most trends in fashion or other beauty style I've encountered.
The epiphany is, now I'm positive I can be loyal if I just find the right one*. Just give me the right style and a certain level of compatibility, with different flavors can be tried every now and then, then I can definitely stick to the end.
*Obviously I wasn't just talking about hairstyle :-P
November it is. What happened to the 10 months that had passed? It’s true
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5 years ago