Love, love, love again... sorry to Jo-Ann, now I think I've been posting too much about love ;)
Exactly like a quotation I found from Bartleby dot com (thanks to Izumi): A spring of love gushed from my heart, and I blessed them unaware (Samuel Talylor Coleridge). A forbidden love, the apple... how do you go about that?
First, like any other love, it makes you feel good. But you always have something in the back of your mind. The end is coming imminently and the pain will be for sure. Or probably that's what makes it so fun. The excitement of breaking the rules, racing with time before it really ends.
I've always thought I'm tough, a bit emotional yes, but always decide using the brain eventually. But now, the pull from the emotions seems just as strong as my brain processor, or even stronger I don't know.
At first place, I'm a patheticly indecisive person. It's hard already for me to buy apple or orange (literally saying, because I love all fruits ;p) in the supa, let alone choosing a delicious apple (which I actually don't favor more than orange in reality but you know what I mean) over a sour orange.
At some point I blame him for making me go through this trouble, but one of my friend (who is actually reiterating what my brain has been telling me) says that I created this problem myself. I let this happen. It's all up to me, I'm the king (queen doesn't sound almighty enough;p) of my destiny.
I know what my brain has decided, but my heart seems to go the other way still. So, which way to go then, the weight of the pain and pleasure are not that clear yet.
November it is. What happened to the 10 months that had passed? It’s true
that after a certain age, time feels passing by faster and faster. Here I
am, t...
5 years ago
Never be ashamed of being in love....instead glory with it!! There are 101 ways to meet Mr. Right, the pathway may be smooth, may be rocky, but just enjoy the ride. Everything that makes you smile a second before you dozzed off, and exactly one second after your eyes flutter in the brightness of morning sunshine, is undeniably worth it! Cheer up girl, enjoy the tastiness of the fruit ;) But don't forget, be the master of the game....^__~
ReplyDeleteI really like your comment, thanks ;) Would you mind telling me who you are ;)
ReplyDeleteWhether you choose an orange or an apple, doesn't matter. Bottomline is when you have the fruit, eat it!
ReplyDeleteIn life (as well as in love and rhythm), what's important is you can face the consequences of your actions --of choosing one alternative over the other. Because life is not like that exam where the answer is either true or false.