Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Intuitive Intelligence

This post remained as draft for more than 2 years hahaha ... and I thought it's too cool to be left as draft :p

Am I developing it or what? I was going to write on it a week ago or so, now I was just thinking "it would be nice to have rain now that I am home" and it suddenly did.
Several days ago I had successive splashes of intuition or whatever more appropriate word that I may not know of. First it was about how either my mind can work during off duty, or my body accept pre-order, whichever is just amazing. I usually wake up by alarm in my iPhone set up in appropriate time for morning prayer. That morning I did too, but I saw that my laptop was still on, with the window showing that the automatic prayer call just finished its call. I was thinking how could I not hear the call (from the laptop), and woke up by the alarm only? So I did a little experiment. The next night I set my mind to be awaken by whichever will sound first, and so I was awaken by the prayer call. I was thinking that was amazing.
Second time, I was riding my old, rusty bike, which will make a very noisy sound if the lamp is put on. It was after my yoga session, so it was dark (10 pm-ish), but I didn't turn on the lamp, just brought a very small flashlight, which turned out didn't quite helpful. I forgot what's the trigger but I was thinking seriously (for the first time) to buy a bike lamp. I was thinking I've been not a very good citizen, given all the blessing I got for being here, for example not having my bike registered and all, not even have a proper bike lamp. And then for the first time in my life here in Japan, I was stopped by policemen that night. So I was really pleading guilty. I guess regret was clearly shown in my face, that they let me go, just like that. Two amazing things I could not avoid thinking. First, it's the splash of thought about the bike lamp before I got caught. Honestly, I have not thought about it nor had any guilty feeling before that bike ride night. Second, it's how it looked like the policemen could read my mind or something, that I had just made up my mind I would buy the lamp, that they let me go. Honestly, I wasn't able to display my best Nihongo that night, so it was totally a mind reading I'm telling you.
I know it might sound silly to some people. I don't know why I am so intrigued by this. And why sometimes when I really need it (there are more important matters than bike lamp, hello) my intuition just stop telling :D

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